What's next?...Sonlight!
We opted to use Sonlight's Core1 for my 5yo. Its due to arrive any day now. Once I get myself organized, we'll get started. I have no idea how we'll balance all the great reading with an active, impatient 3yo around!
We ordered the complete everything-you-need core, which comes with math. Surprise!! I would've sworn 1 week ago that we were using BJU's math for 1st grade. Looks like we are using Horizons math, for now. I'll also have SL's LA, which sounds very good - I'm not sure whether we will use it though, or if we will alter it by slowing it down. I've found that repeat readings with my dd work wonders for her reading. So it is important that we focus on easy reading assignments and fully master them before we move on to the next. It gives DD5 a feeling of accomplishment to be able to fluently read a book that she stumbled over at first. So we'll see on SL's LA.
I need to get myself on a schedule! I've been floundering in all of my house-hold, school, and other duties. Partly because I've been researching curriculum for 6+mths now. I'm so relieved to have made a decision, and to know that all of it is planned out & arriving in a box. I just hope it works for us!! In general, I've found a literature approach seems to make us all happier than a workbook approach.
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