Saturday, May 13, 2006


I think (after a full year of trying different things, and researching, and worrying) I finally discovered the magic tool for developing fluency. The tool is: have the child read, and re-read, and read again the same book until they can read it perfectly. I think my downfall with BJU is my intense focus on always reading new words, doing all the workbook pages, but focusing very little on the readers. I think it would've been better if we had read the BJU readers several times a week, even if that meant skipping a few workbook pages. I've noticed that the more we read a particular book, the more DD5 reads it fluently, and less words are sounded out. Eventually, she will have seen enough of the same words over and over again, and will recognize them instantly in new books. At least, that is the plan:) Hope it works!!


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