Thursday, March 30, 2006

1st grade revisions

The more I read about SWR, the less I think I can handle it! It sounds intense. I've been thinking that my husband's approach (the most direct and easiest path to get to a goal) is probably the best. So what is the easiest? Well, we already have Hooked On Phonics and it goes through 2nd grade reading level. It is simple enough (not overloaded with words) and I think we could gain fluency and reach a 2nd grade reading level pretty easy with the program. However, as a phonics program, HOP doesn't include everything (it lacks certain sounds and letter combinations), so we would have to pick up the rest through our own reading practice, and spelling. So here is my new rough draft, LOL:

Language Arts: Hooked On Phonics (start with box 1 & 2, which will be too easy but will help us gain fluency), Explode the Code (I already have book 1, woohoo!), and probably Spelling Workout (I'm also interested in Spelling Power, but it doesn't start until 2nd grade).

Handwriting: Spelling & ETC will fill in the handwriting. DD5 still doesn't write very well, and I think it just needs time for her coordination to get there.

Math: BJU 1st Grade (though I see MUS and RightStart and feel like switching sometimes! LOL. Truth is: BJU is very good & very complete - we've been happy with it so far, so why change?)

Science: Evan-Moor ScienceWorks for Kids grades 1-3; Plants (Spring-Summer 2006), Animals with Backbones, (maybe) Animals Without Backbones, and the Human Body one.

History: Story of the World vol. 1 without the activity book, and Evan-Moor History Pockets Ancient World

Art: Evan-Moor's How to Teach Art to Children

Music?: Alfred's Music for Little Mozarts, piano

Can you tell I like Evan-Moor stuff? LOL. I'm eager to get the art book - sometimes we have some time in the afternoons with nothing to do and I think this would be a great book to pull out during those times.

I hope to homeschool through the summer, but make it light & fun!
Summer: Science (Plants) + Language Arts (HOP, haven't decided if I will do ETC & Spelling over summer yet - if so, we'll probably do it more in the car on the way to the park!) + I'd like to do Art just to fill in the gaps during bored times.

That's the plan for now...more revisions later! LOL.


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