Wednesday, December 14, 2005

An off day

I had an off day today. Didn't matter how I tried to be on top of things...Hopefully tomorrow will be an "on the ball" kind of day. School didn't happen. We had Storytime at the library and I was in such a hurry that I didn't have time to pack our schoolwork. We had errands to run after library. We got home around 2pm and still needed lunch. After that came a late nap. And the day is now over! I will take some time tonight to organize our school day tomorrow. I hope to accomplish our usual school schedule and learn more about St. Lucia's Day, and complete that phase of our project. My goal is to read more about St. Lucia's Day, have DD5 draw a picture, and take down a narration. I found some great books at the library to supplement our Christmas studies.

So far we have read 7 or so chapters of Charlotte's Web. Now I know why it has made so many booklists! It is a good example of a living book: the book is alive with descriptions of life on a farm. There are some beautiful descriptions of nature, as well. DD5 has enjoyed it so far and can't wait to find out how Charlotte will save Wilbur (she guessed that Charlotte would suck everyone's blood, LOL). She keeps asking if it is a "true" story. One of her main interests right now is learning what is true and what is make-believe.


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