Thursday, November 17, 2005

The Little Servant lesson

Today's lesson in Language Arts was The Little Servant & this week's theme is Bible Stories. After reading the story, we sat down to do the workbook page. The directions were: circle the pictures that show someone doing something that helps someone else. Pictures included one girl making a bed, a boy washing a car, and a man pushing in a woman's chair. These were all helpful things, according to the answer key. Well, another picture was a girl sleeping. We've been having a terrible time at night lately, and having a hard time with the kids calling me back to talk, and basically Stalling. So, DD5 pauses before she circles the sleeping girl, and says "this girl is sleeping, that's helpful, right?" So I ask "did she go to bed nicely, without calling her mom?" DD5 nods. "Then yes, that is helpful". Ok, so it wasn't in the answer key, but I think when a little girl goes to bed without a fight, that is definitely something helpful! I will remind her of that at bedtime tonight;)


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