Monday, November 07, 2005

BJU K5 Tip - Phonics

Here is a BJU specific tip I learned the hard way. Buy Phonics Stories in addition to the program. In K5, Phonics Stories do not come with the package, but is listed as a *recommended item*. If you're buying the package, buy K5 Phonics Stories. Your child has to read the stories anyway. But if you don't buy it, then you end up doing what I've been doing: scanning all the rebuses in the teacher's guide appendix, and making up the stories myself. I downloaded BJU's K5 font from their web site and type the story, then print it with spaces for where the pictures (rebuses) go. Then I shrink the rebuses (the picture words) from the appendix & paste it in to the story. I have to mess around with size and word spacing to fit the pictures in. Complete pain! Wish I had spent $10.50 and just bought the Phonics Stories. Lesson learned. It doesn't look like the 1st grade program has separate Phonics Stories. Still, makes me wonder what other recommended items I would have to buy in addition to a $500 curriculum for 1st grade. Yikes.

Definition: Rebus
A Rebus in the teaching world is a picture that represents a word. When you see the picture, you say the word. Today's lesson is about Peter Rabbit and our Phonics Story is about a rabbit. There is a picture of a rabbit in place of the word rabbit in the story. When DD5 reads the story, she will say "rabbit" whenever she sees the picture.


At 8:04 AM, Blogger melanie said...


to get ride of the annoying comments like the one above mine here, you have to turn on word verification:

btw, I love your blog :-) I'll have to keep checking in on you guys.


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