Tuesday, December 06, 2005

sick days...

DD3 is sick. She has had a fever, headache, achy throat, & stuffy nose. But on tylenol, she runs around & plays like the best of them. "Preschool" has been 1 am baths everynight, with different size cups that she uses to pour water back and forth (early lessons in measurement). And it is storytime after that, with a lot of counting and abcs. I was amazed at 1:30am last night that she knew Dr. Seuss's abc's so well. Her favorite verse is when papa is in the pail, LOL. Our nights have been rough, so I'm exhausted.

DD5 is keeping up with her schoolwork, but mostly by packing things up and taking them in the car. Seems like I've had a lot of errands to run lately. I might try re-arranging our lessons so that I spend some time introducing the lesson and then give her independent work time on workbook pages. My only complaint so far about BJU is how much teacher time is involved in the lessons. I would like to find a way to keep lessons flowing while I work on other things at the same time. Like, if I could have her read her words aloud while I do dishes, or other housework, that would be great. It would be nice to do double duty & get a little more done in our day.

Last night, I stayed up watching movies with my husband. While watching movies, I cut out all the BJU word cards & arranged them nicely in 2 cardfile boxes. This should make lesson planning a little easier, since I won't have to cut the words as I go along. I should've taken 1 week before starting lessons and organized all the material (i.e., cut out all the word cards, puppets, etc.) It makes it much nicer to have it already done and organized and easy to find. I will know what to do for next year!


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