Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Horizons & MUS???

We are plugging away at Horizons Math 1. Its an OK program, I'm getting used to it. Maybe its even good for us!? Its not the way I would choose to teach math, and it is not the way I would choose to learn math, though. It reminds me too much of my math in school. I wonder what my school days would've been like if I had really understood math before moving on. I wonder what my school days would've been like if I had known how to move numbers around and manipulate them - twist them into a certain point of view. And so...I am thinking about supplementing Horizons Math 1. I think we NEED something that will keep us moving forward, and Horizons is great for that. Its like AEROBICS in the exercise world:) But I feel I need a little STRENGTH TRAINING, too! LOL. And so, I am thinking about adding that element of strength training into our daily mathematical exercises. I think MUS might be a good choice. How will I juggle two math programs?!? Here are some options:
  1. Do Horizons every-other-day, MUS on the in between days. (ex: Horizons M, W, F & MUS T, Th, F, or something like that)
  2. Do Horizons until we get bored or hit a brick wall. Put Horizons away & pull out MUS (this rotation might occur every few weeks or so)
  3. Keep up with Horizons & simply add in watching the MUS DVD & Teacher's Guide instructions - incorporate this in our Horizons practice.

Next, how will we finance such a venture as 2 math programs running simultaneously? That's a GOOD question. We currently have two houses & are trying to sell one of them. As soon as that house sells, I have a few congratulatory "you-made-it-through" prizes in mind for myself! First, I want a laminator. A good laminator that can laminate file folders. Second, I think I want another math program! In the meantime (while I'm dreaming of laminators & MUS...) I am hoping to simply make all my payments on time, and still feed my children.


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