Thursday, February 02, 2006

Report Card

I read a great post on TWTM message board about creating report cards. It has inspired me to create a report card for each semester, for both my girls. It basically reads something like this:

Reading: completed lessons _ through _. Learned Consonant blends (st, sp, cl...). We practice reading a new reader each Friday. DD5 has also discovered that she can read several words from The Cat in the Hat and reminds me daily to practice with her.

Math: completed lessons _ through _. Learned Fractions: we made Pizza Fractions for lunch, and folded frog fractions for craft. DD5 understands whole, half, thirds, and forths.

I also include categories like Art, Home Ec (our cooking experiments and the great cleaning help that DD5 gives), Social, Phys Ed, etc. I try to write things that we would enjoy reading 10 years from now, and the things that grandparents would like to read (we'll send a copy to interested relatives). I think this type of report card will be much more enjoyable years from now than a simple card that says -
Reading: A+
Math: A+
Behavior: C (LOL)

The trouble is keeping each semester within one page. We've had such a rich & lively year! I've enjoyed seeing every a-ha moment. Overall, I'm glad I've chosen to be my daughters' teacher.


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