Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Princess's Birthday

We had friends over today for a playdate. One little girl has a little beanie baby kitten called Princess and today was Princess's birthday! She and her sister brought their beany baby kittens and cupcakes for the occasion. Of course my daughters also have beany baby kittens that joined in the fun. The kittens all dressed in fancy barbie ballroom gowns and then we sang Happy Birthday to Princess. We all ate cupcakes and had a great time! The event was great inspiration for my girls; our kittens now have names, Snowball and Colors. There was a 6 month old baby boy in the group who absolutely loved all the attention from 5 little girls. The girls played with our wooden toy sets: medieval castle, native american, and ancient egyptian. Of course, the medieval people, native americans, and ancient egyptians all interacted, and I had a very interesting view of history. I think it helped explain how the Native Americans and Egyptians BOTH had pyramids, even though they were separated by an ocean. Hmmm.... So that was our day. One mom was a kindergarten teacher, so it is always great to have her wisdom and expertise in teaching. I love seeing my girls play with friends, it always inspires their play later, after seeing some of the neat things their friends can do.


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