Monday, January 09, 2006

Further Misadventures on 10 acres...

Our adventures continued...

Last post, our dog (in heat) left our property to play with the boy dog next door. The next night, our dog was restless and barking every few minutes. This lasted from 2:30am to around 4:30am. I tried letting her outside, but she mostly just sniffed around. We thought there was a raccoon or something outside. At 4:30am, our dog was desperately trying to get outside. We looked out to find a chocolate lab at our door, eagerly wagging his tail! LOL. We took our dog upstairs and sealed her into our bedroom. We did our best to sleep through the chocolate lab's romantic serenade. I was relieved to see the "gentleman caller" was gone in the morning and hasn't been back since.

We have some kind of rodent in our garage. We think he was brought in with the wood for burning in our fireplace. He's a little black streak that we see darting behind storage items in the garage. I really don't like cats, but have been thinking about getting one. Of course, DD5 would be thrilled, since she begs me for a cat daily.

Friday we start homeschool co-op. We're all excited! DD3 gets to participate too. The girls will be taking ballet. DD3 is taking an action story class, an action Bible class, and a Playdo class. DD5 is taking child survival (about self defense, talking to strangers, etc.), Storybook Art, and Sign Language. I get to help out in ballet with my girls, karate, and open gym with my 3yo. It is a full day of classes, but thankfully it is only every other Friday. Co-op should help fill in the gaps that I always worry about (you know, "shouldn't they be taking a foreign language?" "shouldn't we do more for phys ed?" etc.)


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